Motivators Profile

The 6 Motivators (Values) Infographic

The 6 Motivators (Values) Infographic

21 Oct, 2014

This infographic serves as an introduction to the Workplace Motivators profile, which measures 6 underlying motivators (or dominant values), and includes a description of each factor, famous characters from movies as examples, who created the assessment, how a motivator is formed, and more.

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Famous Motivators Characters

Famous Motivators Characters

14 Oct, 2014

Examples of famous movie characters for the Workplace Motivators assessment... Theoretical Utilitarian Aesthetic Social Individualistic Traditional

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Motivators Profile in Leadership Development

Motivators Profile in Leadership Development

02 Oct, 2014

Job performance (getting people to achieve KPIs and targets) and team performance (getting many different personalities to work together productively) are both high-priority and highly complex issues for leaders, which are affected by many elements. Sometimes our consultants encounter problems within teams that are linked to an individual's or a manager's behavioural style (DISC), but more often...

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Motivators Profile in Sales & Customer Service

Motivators Profile in Sales & Customer Service

01 Oct, 2014

Universal Sales Truth: To a prospect, any price is too high until he or she understands the value of your product or service. To deliver value to a prospect, salespeople have to first understand what the prospect perceives as value. If we understand what the customer values (what they care about), we will be better positioned to understand their motivations to buy. Once we are able to understand...

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DISC Profile and Motivators of Top Sales Performers

DISC Profile and Motivators of Top Sales Performers

18 Sep, 2014

Research studies of top salespeople in the United States, Germany and China revealed some interesting results. Take a look at the charts below. DISC Make-Up The DISC profile identifies four basic patterns that people tend to have. Dominance (Assertive, Direct); Influence (Outgoing, Talkative); Steadiness (Amiable, Easy Going); Compliance (Precise, Analytical). By blending these, we end up with...

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Advantages of the TTI Suite

Advantages of the TTI Suite

15 Sep, 2014

We are not like most other test providers. Below we have listed some of the key points of difference to consider about the TTI Success Insights suite of tools before making your decision on an assessment provider. We would encourage you to ask any other assessment provider you speak with if they can provide the same offering. World First in “Multi-Science”: We were the very first...

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